by Esther C. Bleuel | Mar 22, 2017
What makes a great leader? Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests that it’s someone who makes their employees feel secure — who draws staffers into a “circle of trust.”
Sinek opens his TED Talk with a story about Congressional Medal of … Read the rest
by Esther C. Bleuel | Mar 27, 2015
How Great Leaders Inspire Action
TEDx (Puget Sound) Talk by Simon Sinek
Listening to Simon Sinek explain what he calls “The Golden Circle” is fascinating. He begins with questions. “How do you explain when things that do succeed defy … Read the rest
by Esther C. Bleuel | Dec 15, 2014
TED Talk by Dr. Ernesto Sirolli
The title of Dr. Ernesto Sirolli’s TED Talk might sound a bit harsh, but he learned from experience the importance of listening. It was shaped by seven years as a young man in Africa … Read the rest
by Esther C. Bleuel | May 8, 2014
TED Talk by David Steindl-Rast
”The one thing all humans have in common is that each of us wants to be happy,” says Brother David Steindl-Rast, a monk and interfaith scholar. I agree with Brother David and watched his TED Talk … Read the rest
by Esther C. Bleuel | Jan 22, 2014
TED Talk by Malcolm Gladwell
Referred to as a detective of fads and emerging subcultures, Malcolm Gladwell often shifts—or just plain topples— our understanding of many long-held beliefs. They could be anything from food and race to consumers and intelligence. … Read the rest