Author-Researcher Brené Brown’s abiding interest in the subject of “trust” was heightened by an experience her daughter Ellen had at school when a friend betrayed her trust.
Speaking at a UCLA-based Oprah Winfrey Super Soul Session, Brown used a marble … Read the rest
What makes a great leader? Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests that it’s someone who makes their employees feel secure — who draws staffers into a “circle of trust.”
Sinek opens his TED Talk with a story about Congressional Medal of … Read the rest
Would you choose to build your house on sand or on a rock? Since sand shifts and erodes, it’s clearly the rock that would provide a solid and predictable foundation.
Building on a rock won’t eliminate issues such as wind, … Read the rest
“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance
I cannot stress enough the importance of building self-trust. To build trust with others, we must first start with ourselves. A lack of self-trust will undermine … Read the rest