by Esther C. Bleuel | Jun 18, 2016
A Search For Common Ground – Part One: Authentic Discourse
A Search For Common Ground – Part Two: Overcoming Resistance
None of us wants to be judged or criticized, especially for our thoughts and beliefs. We want to feel safe … Read the rest
by Esther C. Bleuel | Oct 6, 2015
If you have ever played chess, checkers or dominos, you have experienced a stalemate — when neither player can successfully move any of the pieces and neither player can win. Aggravating!
Imagine two large trucks trying to pass on a narrow … Read the rest
by Esther C. Bleuel | Sep 5, 2015
Would you choose to build your house on sand or on a rock? Since sand shifts and erodes, it’s clearly the rock that would provide a solid and predictable foundation.
Building on a rock won’t eliminate issues such as wind, … Read the rest
by Esther C. Bleuel | Mar 27, 2015
Leaders: Listen Up!
As a leader, you must know yourself well — your purpose, your values, your priorities. Others will follow when you earn their respect and trust and one of the most effective ways to do that is to … Read the rest
by Esther C. Bleuel | Mar 27, 2015
Talks At The End Of Life (Conversations No One Wants To Have)
Someone you care for is at the end of his or her life. How do we talk with someone who is dying? No one is ever really … Read the rest