In his bravest book yet — “The Icarus Deception — Seth Godin challenges us to create art in a breathtaking way. It’s an idea that both excites and terrifies me! Nearly every page makes me think about my own self-imposed fears.

Godin passionately urges us to confront the old rules about playing it safe in life and to risk creating art. “It’s better to be sorry than safe,” is vintage Godin. “Art is the truly human act of creating something new that matters to another person. When we do art, we put ourselves at risk because risk is what makes it art.”

Godin argues that we should treat our work as art, which he believes is not a specific talent but an attitude available to anyone who has a vision that others don’t and the guts to do something about it. “After we’ve given our all, but done it in a way that leaves us nowhere to point the finger,” says Godin, “then of course, the results belong to us.”

Readers are challenged by Godin to work like artists by investing in creativity, risking vulnerability by standing up, standing out, and making a difference.

Godin reminds us that the  single most appropriate question to someone who attacks, dismisses or trolls, is “What are you afraid of.” It’s incredibly easy to tear someone down, easier still to criticize an idea. The more vehement the opposition, though, the deeper the fear.

Godin’s challenge in “The Icarus Deception” is, “how high will you fly?”