Step Up

Making recommendations to e-Talk readers gives me great pleasure. I enjoy sharing books, TED talks, TV shows and movies I think you might enjoy and find interesting and relevant. In this issue, I am recommending a song, “Step Up,” written and sung by my friend, Joe Sikkora.

Some years ago, Joe and his wife learned that both of their two young sons had a neurological disease that is fatal. Devastated by the news, they had to completely re-think their lives. Joe turned to religion and immersed himself in composing songs to help him through a crisis that would become more challenging with each passing day. Here Joe found hope and joy! Even as his sons’ bodies grew frail and they lost their sight, they were encouraged to engage, to participate, to live with hope as he and his wife did.

“Step Up” tells a story about Ben, who was called “up to bat” during a baseball game. This moving song and video about trust, hope and joy puts life’s priorities in clear perspective. Life is not so much about what happens to us, rather it’s about how we handle it. We are in charge of our attitude and our thoughts.

Joe’s song to his son inspires him “not to fear that you will fail.” Ben’s courage and enthusiasm are infectious and thrilling. Despite daunting challenges, the Sikorra family epitomize virtue and love in action. As you listen to Joe’s words, I hope you will see the beauty that is in you; that you will not fear to fail. That you will “Step Up.”