Chapter Six
FocusStart with the End in Mind.

Identify the values and character traits that are most important to you, and clarify why. Stay committed. Keep the main thing the main thing. How you behave and the choices you make will be based on this framework of values and priorities.

How Do Issues of Focus Influence You Today?
Strengthening Focus
Have a purpose that’s worth your commitment. Make wise choices about how to invest your time, talent, resources, and energy. Don’t get caught up thinking about how to do something before you decide exactly what you want to have happen and why it’s important.
How do I get unstuck? By learning new skills! When it comes to focus, consider mastering these: Take baby steps. Follow through. Learn from mistakes. Solve problems.
Getting Unstuck contains step-by-step, how-to details of these and many other skills. If you’re really stuck, perhaps I can help!
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you certainly won’t get there.
An obvious statement, but we can lose sight of it.”
Esther Bleuel