Chapter Eleven
AttitudeIt’s Not What Happens So Much. It’s How We Handle Things and What They Mean to Us That Count.
We have little or no control over many things that happen in life, including accidents, illness, bad luck, and genetics. We may be truly powerless. But never suffer for nothing. Learn something. Although it may seem hard, especially at first, we can learn to manage our own thoughts and behavior.
How Do Issues of Attitude Influence You Today?
Exemplify Attitude
Knowing the difference between what we can control and what we can’t is critical to maintaining equilibrium and focus. Deal in reality and think objectively. Our ability to know what is true helps us create a life with meaning, purpose, and joy.
How do I get unstuck? By learning new skills! When it comes to attitude, consider mastering these: Adopt a good attitude. Have perspective. Exercise self-control. Overcome the victim cycle.
Getting Unstuck contains step-by-step, how-to details of these and many other skills. If you’re really stuck, perhaps I can help!
“You can’t un-ring a bell or erase an experience. But you can rise above it with a good attitude.”
Esther Bleuel