Chapter Four
PersistenceDelayed Gratification is the Patience and Discipline to Wait and Work for Something Better Later On
With patience and discipline, we can anticipate opportunities and life’s inevitable challenges. We can take time to decide what we want and why it’s important. When we achieve our goal through hard work and persistence, we experience satisfaction and self-respect.
How Do Issues of Persistence Influence You Today?
Building Persistence
Good things are worth waiting for and working toward. Society tells us we need “more” and we need it “now.” But persistence and patience are excellent traits that enable us to experience greater rewards. Celebrating baby steps is a great way to keep motivated to stay the course.
How do I get unstuck? By learning new skills! When it comes to persistence, consider mastering these: Exercise self-control. Take baby steps. Overcome self-doubt. Follow through.
Getting Unstuck contains step-by-step, how-to details of these and many other skills. If you’re really stuck, perhaps I can help!
“Start with the end in mind and know why it’s important to you.
Then, never give up.”
Esther Bleuel