Chapter Twelve
Letting GoWe Will Never Forget a Painful Experience, But We Can Learn Not to Be Prisoners of Our Emotions.

You will never forget a horrendous experience. Acknowledge this reality, feel your feelings, do your best to make sense of the experience, learn from it, and celebrate surviving the trauma. You made it through the worst part. Now, it’s time to repair the damage and recover. It’s time to truly change.

How Do Issues of Letting Go Influence You Today?
Let Go
Do not be defined by a person or situation outside of your control. When you have endured enough pain, many resources are available to help you let go. Getting Unstuck is one of many helpful books. A trusted companion, journaling, professional help, and new skills are other avenues to help you recover.
How do I get unstuck? By learning new skills! When it comes to letting go, consider mastering these: Be resilient. Have hope. Let go. Repair and recover.
Getting Unstuck contains step-by-step, how-to details of these and many other skills. If you’re really stuck, perhaps I can help!
“Use and share your gifts and talents to achieve a strong ending. Life is waiting for you to grasp it. Go for it!”
Esther Bleuel