Chapter One
TrustWe Can’t Always Believe What People Say, But We Will Always Believe What They Do.

Actions speak louder than words. It is much easier to say something in the moment than it is to follow through with matching behavior. Intentions may be well meaning, but they don’t always happen. Promised actions require commitment; they either happen or they don’t. Matching words and actions form the basis of trust of ourselves and others.

How Do Issues of Trust Influence You Today?
Building Trust
A good starting point for trust and accountability is to clarify and understand each other’s meaning. When both parties communicate their expectations, it is more likely that promises made are promises kept. And, don’t say “yes” when you really mean “no.”
How do I get unstuck? By adopting a willing attitude. By learning new skills! In the area of trust, consider mastering these: Communicate expectations. Exercise self-control. Accept reality. Trust myself.
Getting Unstuck contains step-by-step, how-to details of these and many other skills. If you’re really stuck, perhaps I can help!
“By age two, we already have an unconscious sense of whether or not we are safe in our environment and whether we are valued.”
Esther Bleuel